Saturday, November 28, 2009

Khaptad National Park

You and I in this beautiful world :)

Khaptad, Nepal's newest park area, is in the middle hills of the Far-West of the country. The 225 sq kms. area of the park is situated where the districts of Bajhang, Bajura, Doti and Achham meet. Khaptad is plateau of grassland and forest cover at an elevation of about 3,000 meters. The mixed conifer and broad-leaf forests are an excellent example of the vegetation that once covered much of west Nepal's middle hills. The forest consists of a mixture of tall fir, yew, rhododendron, oak, dense strands of bamboo and smaller shrubs. This habitat provides good cover for bear, leopard, barking and musk deer, as well as birds like the Impeyan, koklas and kalij pheasants. This park is special because it represents one of the few remaining mid-mountain ecosystems in Nepal Himalaya. At the north-eastern corner of the park, a small serene lake and swampy area called Khapted Daha is religious site where Hindu pilgrims come to worship Shiva on the full moon of July-August each year. Here lived the ascetic, the Khaptad Baba, who was known and revered throughout Nepal. Khaptad National Park & Saipal Himal

Entry Fee Per Person Per Entry:
For Nepalese Nationals, FreeFor SAARC Nationals, Rs. 100/-For Other Foreign Nationals, Rs. 1,000/-
The easiest access is to fly to Dipayal or Chainpur or Sanfebagar or Kolti from where it is a few days hike to the national park. It is also possible to drive to Silgadi from Dhangadi. The best time to visit Khaptad is in March and April and in October and November. Travellers should hike with camping equipment, food and guides, arranged through trekking agents in Kathmandu.
Entrance fee not required for children under 10 yearsParkEntrance fees is regulated by Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation (Phone: 4220850). Entrance fees for mountain National Parks can be paid at ACAP counter (Phone: 4222406) at Sanchaykosh building in Thamel, Kathmandu, or at the Park gate. For other National Parks entrance fees are to be paid at the Park gate.